About Foothills Solar Plus

When our son was diagnosed with Autism at the age of 5, we had no idea how much our life would dramatically change.

At first, we focused on health and well-being, feeling empowered as we watched his little body heal and transform. If it was possible there, where else could we witness the unexpected and improbable?

We began to re-imagine what a heart-centered business could look like. We began re-thinking how we create our living spaces and in particular, our connection to the creation and consumption of energy. Wherever this vision might take us, we have a strong faith in the goodness of humanity and the natural world which is supporting and sustaining all of us.

From humble beginnings, we have huge hearts to truly help people. It’s not our intention to sell you something, but to invite you into a larger story. We offer practical solutions that address immediate needs, while at the same time dream together for a future that surpasses our wildest expectations.

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What We Stand For

What makes us different is our ability to see beyond the solar panels we install. Our goal is to re-imagine what living in a home looks like.

We stand for transparency, honesty, not cutting corners, doing things right or not at all. We seek creative solutions to complicated problems, merging the benefits of both traditional and alternative building practices. We believe that making small decisions can leave the biggest impact.

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What We Stand For

What makes us different is our ability to see beyond the solar panels we install. Our goal is to re-imagine what living in a home looks like.

We stand for transparency, honesty, not cutting corners, doing things right or not at all. We seek creative solutions to complicated problems, merging the benefits of both traditional and alternative building practices. We believe that making small decisions can leave the biggest impact.


By partnering with Foothills Solar Plus, you are choosing to create a community.

Our mission is to bring people together who are compelled to be good stewards of the earth, our shared environment, and shared resources. By partnering with us, and others like yourself, we want to re-envision the ways in which we live, the homes we occupy, the energy we take in and the energy we give back.

If we sound like the kind of people you’d like to partner with, give us a call at (864) 775-8508 or request a consultation online. We would love to talk with you about your energy goals and work together to find the best solution for you.